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Welcome to Online Yoga with Moira. Please join us for a peaceful, friendly and needs based experience. Classes on offer are General, Restorative, Over 50's and One on One. They are designed to give you a balance of strengthening, stretching and relaxation. In addition, it will keep you  connected to your friends and a chance to make  new friends, during this period of change with Covid19. Special circumstances always considered,  just DM Moira for free classes.   


To join the online classes you can be guided by  the following ie choose a single service or choose a plan & book each week, with both requiring setting up an account.


  • Choose a single service/class from the menu on this website. Create an account by logging in with your details. Then move to checkout. An email will be sent confirming your booking.

  • Choose a plan from the menu on this website. Create an account by logging in with your details  and then book in for a class of your choice per week and move to checkout. An email will be sent confirming your booking.

  • Use the same name/email as my records, for continuity when signing in/logging in.


Prepare for online at home -

This is the platform used to bring you a virtual live stream yoga class into your very own home.  

  • Create your own beautiful space to practice your yoga. You will need a mat, blankets, blocks, pillows, strap, small balls, eye pillow and water bottle.  




























​© 2019 Om Shanti Moira Yoga. Proudly created with

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